Sunday, October 31, 2004

mood : kinda happy : ) not sad , angry X )
song i'm listening : The Day You Went Away - M2M
thinking : what shud i do 2molo? haha

Today . Saturday : ) . Lol . I woke up early today . 8.30 . Maybe you guys think its kinda late or wateva . I think its early for a heavy sleeper for me : ) . I didn't do much at home . Only things i did was computer , music , tv and eat . Was chatting wif Mark in the late morning . Lol . Ate Hotdogbun+hotdog for lunch . yum ! : ) . In the afternoon , went out with my parents . Wasted bout 3 hours . Came home . Lazed around . Used com . Then , went to a full-moon party for a baby . Hehe . My bro's taekwondo master's son . haha . Ate quite alot . The lamb was yummy ! : ) went home bout 8 . Resting till now .. Looking at the com and chatting ^^ . ahaha . I'm feeling lazy 2 type write now . Still i wanna blog . Don't u think i'm mad? haha . Bloggin is fun actually ^^

Saturday, October 30, 2004

its been 3 days sinced i blogged . i'm feeling kinda lazy this few days .

wednesday [27 10 04].

i was supposed to go work .. but on tues (26/10) she said she doesn't want and she wants 18 above .. how sad =[ hehe . Didn't do much on wednesday . Went to Low Yat Plaza . Bought some software programmes . Com Reformatted liao and I bought an extra harddisc for my com. Now , theres music and everything plus 120 gigabytes of space !!. Yay ! ^^ hehe . Used the com practically the whole night . Had to sleep early coz going skool 2molo.

thursday [28 10 04].

i woke up kinda early . prepared for skewl . I'm not supposed to be in school but I'm going coz I'm helping teacher with work . Helped Pn. Mary Ann for "Majilis Perpishan Ting.5" . Carried stuff and run here and there . Tired . Hehe . Then , me and Swee Ing went to Bilik Sukan . Met Mark (McD) and Tim . Lol . We were there for quite sometime . Lol. We play , talk and listen to music . X) hehe . Then , Jonathan , Chrystian , Kenneth and some friends of them came . They played badminton and stuff . Kinda funny lor . Hehe . The P.A system was playing songs . Which they seldom do . Hehe . Saw Li Yan and her gang painting . *blek* hehe . Me and Swee Ing played volleyball . Haha . And mcd , tim and swee plus me were at the bilik sukan whole day . Which it was Fun! hehe . And i was in a jolly mood which i don't even know why =] hehe . In the afternoon . Stayed at home . Played around with photoshop and alot more stuff . Hehe ..

friday [ today ].

Went to school again . Helped Pn.Sally , Pn Mary Ann and En Chia . Lol . We cleaned up bilik sukan . A lil bit of bilik kaunseling . Played sofball and volleyball . Helped Pn Sally . Then , lazed at bilik sukan . Lol . Current fav . hangout in skool . When me and Swee Ing were at kaunseling room . We missed call alvin . And he wasn't so happy bout it . He said he was in bad mood . When , we played sofball . Alvin came . Swee Ing said dun bother bout his appearance . So me and swee ing didnt . and he got angry and left . Haha . I kinda feel bad lo . I didnt wan 2 do it . but i followed wad swee said =X hehe . Sorry vin . >_< thousand apologies .. =/ Went home , ate lunch . Went to Giordano Warehouse Sales . was ok la . got sum shirts and a pair of jeans X).

* l o t t E z i S f e e L i n G s A d *.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Last Day Of School

I went to school feeling all so "lala-ish". hehe .Its the last day of school and I haven't finished my application form for prefects .When I reached school , my friend Yi Ling told me today got prefects interview , and I was shocked and started panicking . I finished my form and submitted it . And i was panicking over my socks and i wore pj clothes to School . After panicking for like an hour , we were playing in class . Jumping , Screaming and all . Lol . Me , Yinli , Hong Yee , and Melisa played Snake And Ladder and I lost . Guess my luck wasn't good in the morning . After that , lepak-ed around school , feeling so bored and all . Then , we had "fire drill =.=. Didn't like it at all . Wasted bout half-an-hour there and had recess few minutes later . Food was ok ok la . But very lil choice = [ . After eating it was about 10.10 ade i think , so me and Yi Ling went to prefects room . Waited for so darn long . And i was so so so SCARED and NERVOUS . Alvin , Yinli , Jun Li , Tze Yuen were calming me down =\ Yet , i was still so nervous >_<. Joel was first to be interviewed , den it was Lixian , Amanda , Su Ann , Yi Ling ... Then it was my turn .. >_< hehe .. when i went in i felt so nervous .. then i felt better later .. hehe .. scary la.. and i passed my interview =) hehe .. Was at counseling room for awhile .. enjoyed air cond . Yay =) after that i went home .. and bla bla bla . as usual =)

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Mood : Jolly !
Music : Nothing
Feeling : Lazy and bored

School :
  • Pn. Lau Hok Choon's retirement today
  • Finished my batik art today =]
  • Wasted sum time for sum dumb taklimat dat Pn Caroline paksa us 2 go
  • Got d application form for pengawas *gosh!i'll be blue next year i hope*
  • Official that Pn.Yip isn't gonna be librarian teacher i dink .. as a teacher said lo..
  • And .. Today is the second last day of school .. *boo*

Monday, October 25, 2004

If I Could

If I could find the words to tell you how much you mean to me to tell you that I love you and that we are meant to be.

If I could find the words to say I want you with me everynight I want to be safe in your arms, in which you'd hold me tight.

If I could find the words to say I need your love to keep me sane would it make a difference? Or would things remain the same?

I swear your like a drug because I'm hooked on you for good.If only I could find the words, oh only if I could.

Maybe I'll write a letter there my feelings I can't deny. There I'll bleed my heart and there, forever it will lie.

Myself, I am no angel no saint or royalty but judge me for who I am within because what you get is me.

So when I find the words, you will finally know then my heart to you i'll give and forever you will own

Saturday, October 23, 2004

* happy bufday lynn*

= Im angry coz i wanted to write a long post but i ter-click a button and *poop!* gone =( =

= I think im gonna scan my pics we took and a batik i painted in skewl *free hand drawing* =

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Mood : ok ok la
Song : Nothing
Feeling : Bored..

Today I went to school . Nothing much happened in school . Hehe . Woke up bout 630 today . Couldn't wake up >.< . Hee hee . Went school , waited for Tze Yuen to arrive to school . Wanted to check those pics we took during the partee and the movie marathon . Well , I saw the pics . They were not bad . Hee hee . Hong Yee's expression for the two pics we took during the movie marathon was funny . Everyone had a laugh at Hong Yee's pic and a pic of me and Yee Mei . Heehee . Well , I like the pics . I look better . haha . =D . Hee hee. Spend most of my time watching the guys and gurls play badminton . Lol . Alvin lost to Wern Chia XD . ehehe . Well , Hong Yee is damn chun ^_^ hehe .. cheers for my pet bro ! lol . Went home at 12 30 . lol . Wait for my daddy .. I thought I had to walk home . Hehe . Then picked my lil bro from school . And now here I m *wink

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Mood : Still not in a good mood
Listening : Nothing
Thinking : To leave or to wait?
Haih.. Today is a monday .. kinda of the ol' boring mondays - perhimpunan . Hehe. I actually didn't want to go school today but my dad say go , so I went . My class bout 10 of us came . Well , not my gang la .. haha .. but my buddies as well . We had taklimat on erm .. Whats the good of kokurikulum? haha.. dam sienz .. =( hehe ..den we had recess and play till go home .. Oh yeah , we had 2 arrange our tables according 2 same colours .. my chairs are brown and tables are blue ^_^ hee hee =D ..i dun feel like typing .. gah ..

Monday, October 18, 2004

some pics I found in the web bout Dear Boys
mood : emo

listening : chinese song dunnow wad isit oso

thinking : nothing much is in my head

heys . I slept bout 9 something yesterday . Woke up at 10.45 to catch One Tree Hill and continued sleeping after watching . Woke up at 10 am .. Slept bout 11 hours to recover my energy after not sleeping for one night ;D I skipped breakfast today . I totally forgot bout breakfast . =) bout 10.30 , dad ask wether want to go to the Flea Market at Mont Kiara . So i went wif them .. didn't buy anything . After that , went to 1u ..followed parents to do grocery .Wasn't in a good mood . Geeh! hate it .. hehe. Came home . I had pizza for lunch *yum!* hehe .. and after eating I watched Dear Boys . Cds which i borrowed from Alvin . Well , watched 5 cd's still got 8 more .. haha .. I like the show very much .. Very Interesting . Makin me like basketball alot ..and the guys in the show kinda cute too . haha . then , i burned disc for mum . and lazed around at home the whole evening .. was moody .. and watched tv .. ) hehe .. after dats , Eat dinner and go pasar malam .. didnt get anything .. now here .. comp.. chatting wif fariz and jay

Sunday, October 17, 2004

m o v i e m a r a t h o n

heyz .. i jus woke up from sleep .. ha ha .. Yesterday we had movie marathon at tze's house .. well , i went there bout 8 .. hmm .. ming ting and swee ing were there ade .. and we started watching FINDING NEMO *giggles* hee hee .. den , hong yee came bout 5 minutes later .. we bought so much of junk food , sweets and alot .. haha .. while we were watching , me and tze wrapped mt's present ... hee hee .. and I was kinda hyper oso .. hehe .. den we continue watching Finding Nemo .. while waiting for Alvin and Yee Mei to arrive .. Alvin came bout 9 sumthing .. and ..erm .. haha .. I called alvin "uncle teoh" but his dad thought i was calling him and said "hi" .. hee hee .. lol .. den .few Minutes later , Yee Mei appeared ! hehehe .. I brought Winnie The Pooh Bear along wif me [to remind everyone bout pooh = winnie = yinli ;) ] hee hee .. after watching Finding Nemo , we were looking for what show to watch .. and we chose 13 going on 30 .. Firstly everyone was watching , den others slowly drifted off to kitchen .. coz we were popping popcorns . . and burn sum pots and failures .. and finally Swee Ing's method was correct *yay!* hehe .. while we were popping , we paused the show .. we watched bout half of it oni .. =D hee hee .. den we were in d kitchen dicussing things .. haha .. while popping popcorns .. after dat , I ask tze for poker cards .. haha .. and me , hong yee , alvin and yeemei i think .. were playing cho tai ti , while waiting for them =] .After stopped playing cho tai ti , I played speed wif alvin . I won him. Lol. We were both so slow and blurr . haha. After they settled everything in the kitchen , we watched the garfield movie and we gave mt her bday pressie .. and her bday was erm 3 months ago ; ) lol .. and she was kinda terharu .. lol . and the piggie is cute !! lol . we finished garfield movie bout 1.40 am . and we started talking bout all sorts of stuff . and also play cards later . We also made ming ting sleep coz today she will be kinda busy and all .. =] ehehhe .. Me , Hong Yee , Alvin and Yee Mei were playing cho tai ti again and Swee Ing was the dealer .. hehe .. we set sum "rules" hehe .. hu ever lose either has 2 eat potato chips or drink water .. so we decided gurls drink water and d guys ate potato chips .. I couldn't eat anything but drink water .. coz if i ate i would get a bad bad tummy ache and I was kinda feverish .. =] hehe .. bout 4 sumthing we stopped . and we played fishing also .. haha .. wif swee,hongyee and alvin .. after playing few rounds , alvin went to sleep .. and yee mei also .. Left me , swee , hong yee and tze . So, we decided to see hu can last the longest or "endurance race" not to sleep .while we were tahan-ing how long we can last , tze dosed off . And me , hong yee and swee were playing fishing .. lol..and I won the endurance race!.. lol .. hong yee ended up wif panda eyes .. and slept for like less than 30 minutes .. and I couldn't resist by laughing at how hong yee slept . hehe . and i was sneezing too . About 6 something , alvin woke up . me and tze also . others all sleeping . hee hee . woke most of them about 7 something . and alvin was making me and tze sleep . coz we didn't sleep much . I tried closing my eyes. and i was my face . hehe . to be fresh . and alvin was asking me 2 sleep sleep sleep .. haih .when hong yee woke up we played one round of cho dai ti .. and he was saying "test our luck" lol .. Bout 8 am , we woke everyone and me and alvin had a hard time trying 2 wake swee ing and yee mei .. esp yee mei = sleep so much = cannot wake up .. *shakes head* after that , we went for breakfast at some restoran near Jaya Diri . drank Nescafe Ice and Wan Tan Mee =] hehe .. alvin paid our drinks .. while hong yee paid my wan tan mee .. lol .. when we were walking there and walkiing back , i felt so unbalanced and floating in the air .. maybe too tired .. and after eating and drinking , had bad tummy ache .. but it went away .. *phew!* we went back to tze's house , and relaxed .. bout 930 my dad picked me up .. and send alvin n hongyee bek .. when i went home , i straight away dump my stuff and went to sleep =] .. post later .. byes . Oh yeah . later im gonna watch anime .. =]

[edit] thanx alvin for the coffee and without it i could be .. erm .. sleeping alot .. and we watched our school erm .. interhouse cheer ;)

Saturday, October 16, 2004

haih .. not in my normal happy jolly mood .. kinda angry and annoyed at someone .. I don't know wether should I wait or just leave .It seems like I waited for a long time for a certain answer , till now , I wouldn't know ..Haih .Kinda dissapointed now and not happy . Gah . I hate it . Why can't things be better?
dum dee dum .. i can't wait to go tze's house tonite .. so excited .. hooked at the com until now .. later might be getting sum junk food 2 tze's house .. depends .. i've been listening to ashlee simpson's disc alot times .. and I really really like it alot .. haha .. some songs are very nice . You should buy it ! ^_^

I didn't do much stuff today . Just feeling bored . Sighs. I'm sick and tired of waiting for that answer . Should I just move on or I shall just wait ? haih .. Eat lunch d .. Now chatting wif jay , ben and rizzie ; )
aih .. I don't know what's going on my mind lately .. i mistook adrian as jay and now mistook haqeem as adrian .. gah .. feeling kinda blurr lately *sigh* didn't really slept well last night .. rather feeling all sad .. >_< Woke up at 9 today .. didn't eat my breakfast .. not in a good mood also .. gonna reload fone .. ade kosong .. haha .. well , yay! hee hee .. now chatting wif kent , yinli and weizhi .

Friday, October 15, 2004

3 post .. lol .. went to pasar malam .. finally got my ashlee simpson - autobiography ^_^ .. dam happy .. I saw a few more discs I wanna get but no cash .. haha .. went online .. didnt talk to adrian today .. stupid him .. dun reply sms him... =( *sob sob* haih .. tommorow will be movie marathoning and overnight at tzeyuen's house .. and im dam happy and excited .. wonder wad crazy things i'll be doing .. and i'm gonna be so nuts .. haha .. i miss him alot .. cant explain it .. its called love .. =) hehe .. now i'm listening to ashlee simpson .. dam nice .. ITS SO COOL !! Thats why she's my choice for album of the month .. =D hehe .. i can't wait to get simple plan's new disc :D ehhe .. they rock! =D
Good nitez
continues ..

we party party till end of skewl .. den me and shulee went to get our hand phone back for kamal .. nothing much of a biggie there .. after datz .. go home .. eat , com .. until now ;) mingting is getting a blog *cheers* my mummy ! :) hehe .. tonite got pasar malam ..i shud go get my cd's! hehe ..

OhyEs .. i changed my template .. taste suddenly changed .. i wanted a bright bright template .. haha .. :) hehe
Mood : happy i guess ?

Today is a thursday .. so fast its gonna be the end of the week .. sadness .. and soon school is going to be over .. *yay?* hehe .. Anyways , today I went to school .. which I've already said that I was going .. Like I promised my friends to .. he he .. and to celebrate a Farewell party for my dear friend Hidayah .. which was gonna transfer school and this is her last day here in Dj *sob sob*

Scene 1 : School (before recess)

We had to be in the dewan early in the morning .. usually they take attendance .. so me and my friends went to dewan .. not knowing that there will be a stupid dumb ceramah bout Science Stream .. heck .. tried not going .. ended up teacher paksa us to go .. sat there .. was kinda boring but he started giving out money *eyes sparkle* ehehe .. its like "woah!" hehe .. The attraction of money made us really pay attention .. Really .. =) hehe .. After dats .. we had a game .. Treasure hunt .. lol .. Teamed wif Alvin , Daniel , Rizzie , Qinyuan , I forgot the other guy ? , Tze Yuen , Ming ting , Weiye and Swee Ing . haha .. we were hunting those stuff .. and when we needed the canteen and class wan .. we saw some taking back those stuff .. we asked them to give us ;) [can it be classified as some form of cheating ? ] hmm .. i dunnow .. lol .. we were tied for second place .. as leader of our team , alvin had to go up stage to sing negaraku .. was kinda funny .. coz I was laughing the whole time [i'll be so dead if he reads it] haha .. and another gurl sang .. so .. we voted hu 2 win .. duhh .. of coz .. we won ^_^ "! cheers .. lol .. 1st place was phoonie's team .. =D *congrats to em !* we got pen .. he he .. d winning team got erm sumting like memo pad .. haha .. i exchanged mine wif Juju since he said it sucked .. haha ..

Scene 2 : Hidayah's Farewell Party

After the ceramah thing , we had a party for Hidayah .. We had lotsa lotsa lotsa food and drinks *yum yum* and we eat eat eat play play play chat chat chat take pics .. and a alot of pics .. and silly too .. but the mood was spoilt when we had spot check .. argh .. me n shulee's fone kena rampas .. dang .. lol .. pn kok .. helped us by talking to En . Kamal .. so we were ok .. *phew* got fone back oso ..And i learned a lesson .. "not to break school rules" hehe .. its bad ..

Thursday, October 14, 2004

heyz.. today is wednesday .. haha .. didn't go school again today .. woke up bout 9 something .. eat breakfast .. washed up .. as usual .. den drag myself 2 play sum music .. ehehe .. and cleaned up my books .. =] its still messy .. hehez .. and go online ! hehee .. stupid stupid time wasted .. lol .. not really .. my com was abit mad .. cant seem to see my pics dat i uploaded .. darn it .. was chatting wif er .. hu ade ? erm. . i forgot =.=" ehehe .. today was kinda boring online .. coz my gang all not here .. so I decided 2 play gunbound wif ben and a few of my frenz .. so long didnt play .. but still managed 2 win some gold .. ^_^ hee hee .. den ate my lunch .. on com again .. chatting wif xian , alvin and i forgot the others .. haha .. den kacau ashley and adrian <-[wif a dumb message] .. hehe .. and adrian called .. using house fone .. and i didnt noe hu was it coz he sounded like my fren .. so i was like "hu r u ? hu r u ? " and lol ..after putting down the call .. i sms adrian 2 confirm was it him ? hehe .. was him *gosh!* hehe .. was kinda silly .. den i lalala-ing around the house .. and slept for awhile .. but kena kacau by phone calls .. ish .. geram .. cudnt sleep much .. >_< den .. usual things happened .. im kinda lazy in elaborating today .. and im here now chatting wif jay and xian =]

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

heyz .. hmm ..Today I woke up at 8 in the morning coz Yee Mei supposed 2 come to my house at 9 something .. i switched on com in the morning .. saw winnie , tze xian . hong yee on9 and also fariz .. of coz we chatted .. i called tze this morning but she wus sleeping =.= .. so i waited and waited for yee mei 2 come .. I was like .. wad is taking her so long 2 come .. so I gave her a call .. she said she's waiting for wei zhi .. so i waited and waited .. she came bout 10 50 i think .. without wei zhi .. about 5 minutes later .. wei zhi appeared ^_^ .. and we planned the genting stuff .. took less than an hour .. and i ended up chatting and watching movie .. haha .. in the afternoon , hong yee came .. watch movie .. lol .. but we didnt watch .. yee mei started playing checkers .. wif me actually den hong yee was telling me how 2 move and all .. we won =) hehe .. it was so funny though .. we at first were watching a cinderella story .. den we watched coma .. how ever u spell that .. den i was kacaued by sms again .. ahha .. was sms ing .. den stopped .. distracted by food .. and den chatting .. haha .. hong yee left bout 2 .. he went for his badminton and gang .. and we were messing around d com and all .. plus eating sweetz .. we threw wrappers 2 d chess box =X .. hehe .. den , me dad called ask wether me and muh frens wanted 2 eat anything .. i said nothing .. and i asked him wether me and my friends could go 1u window shopping .. =] hehe .. and he agreed .. ^_^ ehehe .. so bout 3 something we went to 1u .. lol .. when we reached dere .. i just sms jay .. lol .. ask wether he at 1u anotz .. so ngam dere .. lol .. i asked where was he .. by the time i recieve d message .. we saw him d .. lol .. met a few new peeps lol .. forgot wads d name .. but got wan budak putih and jay .. thats wad i remember .. haha .. den we ate mc d ice cream .. looked where verona was working .. well .. okay la .. lol .. We went to take pics at dreamland .. our pics were so weird lol .. didnt have enough time 2 colour it .. and decorate nicely .. hehe .. but was okie la .. After datz , we walked around for awhile .. and made our way 2 twinkles .. hee hee .. played some dance thing .. using hand .. and i was like smashin dat friggin thing d whole time .. haha .. Oh yeah , at teddy tales .. YeemEi was playing this dissapearing ink thing on weizhi .. Yeemei accidentally squeezed it to hard .. alot of the ink came out .. and the person saw .. and we quickly went away .. =] I met fardina and lee jane .. at 1u .. haha .. and a few more frenz .. lol .. day was kinda fun n exciting .. its like holz .. we left 1u at 530 .. was raining .. send yeemei and weizhi home ..went to get my bro .. saw eshwy .. and went home .. =] hehe .. finally . .hee hee .. played sum music for fun .. watched tv .. went to atria .. haha .. just get sum stuff . dat my parents needed .. and finally i got my reload card ..! god bless ..
-g o t h i c . a n g e l-

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


2nd post for the day ... hee hee .. watched samurai X just now .. den ate my dinner .. and went to pasar malam .. i found the cd's i wanted . ashlee simpson and hoobastank .. but my mummy said another day buy =[ boohoo .. ehehe .. den , i saw tze xian there .. but she didnt realise i wuz dere .. sorry xiannie =] hehe .. after datz , balik rumahz .. on com =] online =] finally msn working .. ehhe .. remember vote for blinkie of the month ! ^_^ *cheers*

- g o t h i c . a n g e l -
Mood : Ok ok la
Listening : nothing at the moment
Thinking About : Nothing =]

today is a monday .. =] I didn't go school today .. why? coz i'm a lazy lazy bum! =] hehe .. i added 3 more new stuff to my blog :
a) Cool Links - Link those cool webbies and rate it !
b) Mini Poll - Vote for your most favourite blinkie which will be Blinkie of The Month for November 2004 =]
c)Blinkie of the month =] hehe .. which u can vote for it =]

I woke up about 9 something today .. kinda tired .. slept rather early to some people lar. . but to me was kinda late =] ehhe .. I praticed or kinda miggle around with my organ .. played stupid songs and transpose it to minor keys .. hehe .. then , I was online for 2 hours .. was rather boring coz i wasn't chatting .. but i was doing some blog things .. which kinda kept me busy though .. about 1 , i ate lunch .. while watching PB n J ehhe .. small kid show .. there were no interesting show 2 watch la >_<" .. ehhe .. after dat , watched my bro played his game .. bout 2 pm , felt tired .. went to my room .. and Sleep *zZzzZzz* ehehe .. about 3.30 i woke up , hoped to used com that early .. but instead .. i cleaned up my room .. and my books .. and tuition stuff .. there were so many papers .. and alotta junk which i kept in my room .. I still haven't clean it finish yet .. I shall continue it tommorow .. *lalala* hehe .. then , I came downstairs to watch even stevens .. and eat cookies .. =] and rest .. was still tired .. and was sweaty .. dunnow why .. abt 5 , used me com .. adjust stuff .. msn not working =[ which im not happy about .. aihz.. now i'm patiently waiting till my msn is working .. 6pm got samurai X .. i think i'm gonna watch it .. maybe .. see first .. =] hehe .. I'll add more later if i can .. bye!


Monday, October 11, 2004

w o n d e r s

hmm . juz wanna post sum stuff .. kinda bored .. ehhe .. chatted wif 2 of my frens .. which .. were kinda sad .. tried calming em .. well .. izzit bcoz im a prs .. no lah! hehe .. juz a habit of mine .. seem to like it .. just don't know why .. ehhe .. i'm thinking wad shud i add 2 my blog .. *thinks*

a) guest book
b) guest map

check it out okay :)


hmm .. weekends gonna be over .. but doesn't make a big diffrence to me becuz i'm not going skool next week .. i think .. haih .. me and my frenz will be postponing our genting trip later due to lack of planning .. haihz .. maybe going in a small group .. hehhe .. dunnow la .. i dam enjoyed d 1u trip !! dam fun .. >_<>_< feel so bad .. ehehhe .. well , now all my exams are over .. its time to chill .. hahaha .. when i went bek 2 melaka .. me auntie baked cookies for me .. and one of my geo questions that i tembak was correct ^_^ .. woo hoo! hehe .. i'm dam hoping to get 7a's hehe .. i switch hp wif my mum .. hehe .. 6100 .. permanently i guess .. till i get a new hp ;) ehhee .. well , i did nothing much at melaka .. watched malaysian idol .. got woke up from my sleep .. which i hate it alot . and yummy breakfast .. plus me bonus = supper ! ^_^ .. lol .. bsides.. i'm going 2 penang during hols .. hahaha .. go there .. eat non stop .. haha .. till get sickie .. hehe .. well , i can self-declare dat my hols are here but .. i still hav 2 go bek 2 skewl 2 help me teacher 2 do sum club work.. hehhee .. :) now i'm planning sum trips 2 ou .. maybe call sum 2 peeps .. hahah .. see la .. still think think :P ehhe .. add later k? ehhe .. oh yea.. at 1u .. i met simon .. hehe .. never see him b4 .. well , byez ..

Saturday, October 09, 2004

note to myself : pmr is over

hmm .. kinda long time i didnt blog .. well .. i found a new template .. hehehe .. I miSs my blog and com alot !! *hUgZ it* hehe .. pmr was okay lar .. hehehe .. some were like so friggin hard and some were easy like abc ? no la .. ehhee .. i hope i get 7a's .. =) later going 2 1u wif my friends .. watchin movie and planning the genting trip!! hee hee . next week i'm not going to skewl .. juz feel like lazing around .. =) well .. normal rite? hehe .. argh .. i hope everything goes well .. i hate fighthing bout planning .. it sux like crazy .. later yin li and yee mei coming over 2 my house .. den we're off to 1u .. shopping! hee hee .. i can stay dere as late as i want to!! ^_^ .. i still cant decide wad show 2 watch ..

note to self : watch malaysian idol tonight

pmr : <-- chill and relax .. =] you'll be so FRIGGIN happy when its over .. for me , i got abit of fever when the last exam ended .. [eep!] ehehe .

now its d time for me 2 chill .. and gonna work on my blog .. kinda suckie though .. hehe :)


hehe .. went to one utama today .. wif YinLi , YeeMei , Alvin , Jia Yiing , Jay , julian , kaishan , And hoNg yee .. ehhe .. we planned 2 watched resident evil lor .. hehe .. Jay paid for our tickets .. hmm .. well , after dat hav 2 wait for the show .. hmm .. and er .. alvin called 2 ask where we were so dat we can meet him .. hmm .. den i said meet at twinkles lo.. suppose 2 go dere .. but dunnow how .. wad when to us .. we decide 2 play a fool wif alvin >_<>_< color="#ff0000">new police story .. so jay went to get those tix .. but was sitting too front .. so we watched princess diaries 2 .. well .. my 3rd time watching .. i was sitting in between 2 guys .. suckie la .. lolx .. was okay la .. after watching , me and winnie went to coffee bean .. bought er .. MOCHA ICE BLENDED .. haha .. was so cold .. i was freezing like crazy .. and i couldnt finish it .. thanks to tze yuen .. hehe .. den we were walking around 1u .. was like hunting and waiting for ppl .. i met so many ppl .. skewl matez and old one too .. ehhe .. den .. after kent , jay , ju and shan n alvin left. me , yeemei, yinli and tzeyuen . walked back 2 d old wing .. and we bought a pressie for my fren .. cute ! hehe .. and when we went out 2 find my dad .. we met jay .. haha .. we were like .. oh u! lol .. anyway . 1u was d bomb !!!!
alot of stuff were like pure F-U-N .. except for something .. =]

Monday, October 04, 2004

d E p R e S s I o N z Z

hating my idiotic life right now ? why ? I just hate it when everything doesn't work out like what i want .. gah .. I HATE MY LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!