Thursday, October 14, 2004

heyz.. today is wednesday .. haha .. didn't go school again today .. woke up bout 9 something .. eat breakfast .. washed up .. as usual .. den drag myself 2 play sum music .. ehehe .. and cleaned up my books .. =] its still messy .. hehez .. and go online ! hehee .. stupid stupid time wasted .. lol .. not really .. my com was abit mad .. cant seem to see my pics dat i uploaded .. darn it .. was chatting wif er .. hu ade ? erm. . i forgot =.=" ehehe .. today was kinda boring online .. coz my gang all not here .. so I decided 2 play gunbound wif ben and a few of my frenz .. so long didnt play .. but still managed 2 win some gold .. ^_^ hee hee .. den ate my lunch .. on com again .. chatting wif xian , alvin and i forgot the others .. haha .. den kacau ashley and adrian <-[wif a dumb message] .. hehe .. and adrian called .. using house fone .. and i didnt noe hu was it coz he sounded like my fren .. so i was like "hu r u ? hu r u ? " and lol ..after putting down the call .. i sms adrian 2 confirm was it him ? hehe .. was him *gosh!* hehe .. was kinda silly .. den i lalala-ing around the house .. and slept for awhile .. but kena kacau by phone calls .. ish .. geram .. cudnt sleep much .. >_< den .. usual things happened .. im kinda lazy in elaborating today .. and im here now chatting wif jay and xian =]


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