Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Mood : Ok ok la
Listening : nothing at the moment
Thinking About : Nothing =]

today is a monday .. =] I didn't go school today .. why? coz i'm a lazy lazy bum! =] hehe .. i added 3 more new stuff to my blog :
a) Cool Links - Link those cool webbies and rate it !
b) Mini Poll - Vote for your most favourite blinkie which will be Blinkie of The Month for November 2004 =]
c)Blinkie of the month =] hehe .. which u can vote for it =]

I woke up about 9 something today .. kinda tired .. slept rather early to some people lar. . but to me was kinda late =] ehhe .. I praticed or kinda miggle around with my organ .. played stupid songs and transpose it to minor keys .. hehe .. then , I was online for 2 hours .. was rather boring coz i wasn't chatting .. but i was doing some blog things .. which kinda kept me busy though .. about 1 , i ate lunch .. while watching PB n J ehhe .. small kid show .. there were no interesting show 2 watch la >_<" .. ehhe .. after dat , watched my bro played his game .. bout 2 pm , felt tired .. went to my room .. and Sleep *zZzzZzz* ehehe .. about 3.30 i woke up , hoped to used com that early .. but instead .. i cleaned up my room .. and my books .. and tuition stuff .. there were so many papers .. and alotta junk which i kept in my room .. I still haven't clean it finish yet .. I shall continue it tommorow .. *lalala* hehe .. then , I came downstairs to watch even stevens .. and eat cookies .. =] and rest .. was still tired .. and was sweaty .. dunnow why .. abt 5 , used me com .. adjust stuff .. msn not working =[ which im not happy about .. aihz.. now i'm patiently waiting till my msn is working .. 6pm got samurai X .. i think i'm gonna watch it .. maybe .. see first .. =] hehe .. I'll add more later if i can .. bye!



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