Monday, October 11, 2004


hmm .. weekends gonna be over .. but doesn't make a big diffrence to me becuz i'm not going skool next week .. i think .. haih .. me and my frenz will be postponing our genting trip later due to lack of planning .. haihz .. maybe going in a small group .. hehhe .. dunnow la .. i dam enjoyed d 1u trip !! dam fun .. >_<>_< feel so bad .. ehehhe .. well , now all my exams are over .. its time to chill .. hahaha .. when i went bek 2 melaka .. me auntie baked cookies for me .. and one of my geo questions that i tembak was correct ^_^ .. woo hoo! hehe .. i'm dam hoping to get 7a's hehe .. i switch hp wif my mum .. hehe .. 6100 .. permanently i guess .. till i get a new hp ;) ehhee .. well , i did nothing much at melaka .. watched malaysian idol .. got woke up from my sleep .. which i hate it alot . and yummy breakfast .. plus me bonus = supper ! ^_^ .. lol .. bsides.. i'm going 2 penang during hols .. hahaha .. go there .. eat non stop .. haha .. till get sickie .. hehe .. well , i can self-declare dat my hols are here but .. i still hav 2 go bek 2 skewl 2 help me teacher 2 do sum club work.. hehhee .. :) now i'm planning sum trips 2 ou .. maybe call sum 2 peeps .. hahah .. see la .. still think think :P ehhe .. add later k? ehhe .. oh yea.. at 1u .. i met simon .. hehe .. never see him b4 .. well , byez ..


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