Friday, October 15, 2004

Mood : happy i guess ?

Today is a thursday .. so fast its gonna be the end of the week .. sadness .. and soon school is going to be over .. *yay?* hehe .. Anyways , today I went to school .. which I've already said that I was going .. Like I promised my friends to .. he he .. and to celebrate a Farewell party for my dear friend Hidayah .. which was gonna transfer school and this is her last day here in Dj *sob sob*

Scene 1 : School (before recess)

We had to be in the dewan early in the morning .. usually they take attendance .. so me and my friends went to dewan .. not knowing that there will be a stupid dumb ceramah bout Science Stream .. heck .. tried not going .. ended up teacher paksa us to go .. sat there .. was kinda boring but he started giving out money *eyes sparkle* ehehe .. its like "woah!" hehe .. The attraction of money made us really pay attention .. Really .. =) hehe .. After dats .. we had a game .. Treasure hunt .. lol .. Teamed wif Alvin , Daniel , Rizzie , Qinyuan , I forgot the other guy ? , Tze Yuen , Ming ting , Weiye and Swee Ing . haha .. we were hunting those stuff .. and when we needed the canteen and class wan .. we saw some taking back those stuff .. we asked them to give us ;) [can it be classified as some form of cheating ? ] hmm .. i dunnow .. lol .. we were tied for second place .. as leader of our team , alvin had to go up stage to sing negaraku .. was kinda funny .. coz I was laughing the whole time [i'll be so dead if he reads it] haha .. and another gurl sang .. so .. we voted hu 2 win .. duhh .. of coz .. we won ^_^ "! cheers .. lol .. 1st place was phoonie's team .. =D *congrats to em !* we got pen .. he he .. d winning team got erm sumting like memo pad .. haha .. i exchanged mine wif Juju since he said it sucked .. haha ..

Scene 2 : Hidayah's Farewell Party

After the ceramah thing , we had a party for Hidayah .. We had lotsa lotsa lotsa food and drinks *yum yum* and we eat eat eat play play play chat chat chat take pics .. and a alot of pics .. and silly too .. but the mood was spoilt when we had spot check .. argh .. me n shulee's fone kena rampas .. dang .. lol .. pn kok .. helped us by talking to En . Kamal .. so we were ok .. *phew* got fone back oso ..And i learned a lesson .. "not to break school rules" hehe .. its bad ..


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