Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Lol .
I'm going out of the hse practically everyday during hols .. let see .. :)
Monday - Ken Ee's Hse
Tuesday - Liang Hoong's Hse
Wednesday - At home
Thursday - Ken Ee's Hse
Friday - Kaishan's hse .
See ! . : )
Monday, August 22, 2005
A day with darling =]
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Quiz . - too bored lah

You're a Winter. You very much enjoy your time
alone but do like other people's company
sometimes. You just need your space. You have a
few priviledged friends who saw past your
colder exterior to find the true you. You can
have pretty bad mood swings (though you hate to
admit it) so you could be soft one second then
storming around the next! But over all, you're
a very pleasant person once people take the
time to get to know you. You're a good friend
for in-depth talks. You're very talanted when
it comes to creative things.(If you can't see
tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a "White Angel". You're a natural
leader in every aspect of life because you
always try to do the right thing. It may not
always work out the right way but atleast you
tried. You're pretty near to your family and
you love being around them. You're not afraid
of what people think if you except you relative
because you have to deal with them everyday.
Everyone else, you don't. You are only afraid
that you won't live up to what they want you to
be though. You want to be the best at
everything and you'll push anyone out of your
way if you have to. You're a person with big
dreams and ambitions and you're a clear
thinking. You never do things on impulse but
always think things out first which helps you a
lot in life. You'd be the one to stand up when
no one else will, and the one who will speak up
when all else are quiet. (If you cannot see the
picture, go to my homepage and scroll down near
the bottom. I have the results from all my
quizess that have pics)
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla
Does this sound like me? hahaha :)
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Memories .
Things to do during holidays : -
1. Finish up every single piece of shit for EYE.
2. Study .
3. Spend time with him
4. Moral + Add Maths Project
5. Go out with him and friends .
6. Anime
7. Spend MORE time with him
Friday, August 19, 2005

Sweet Memories of Genting . Missing Genting so much . Yeah . Although i stayed there practically a week . That week was the week i had so much fun ever in my whole life . Hehe . =]
School has been pretty fine lately . Been paying attention in classes . Especially add maths because I haven't been studying much lately . Everyday went by like every normal day . Staying back and all . Kinda glad the Exxonmobil Youth Entrepreuner thing is gonna end soon . *cheers* . So that means , preparing reports , finishing my accounts and sorting money out ! Hehe . I'll miss those times too . Having fun with the members . Throught this program , I got to know Liang Hoong more , Jeffrey and Tak Leong , Rafie and yeah.. Marn Tsing . Yes , I will do miss all the times we were selling stuffs . Very Fun . Hehe . =) . Throught this week I have been thinking kinda negatively . I really dunno why . Everytime I think like that , I feel really insecure . Yeah . Chee Mun will be there to cheer me up . So does him . Obviously . Hehe . But I kinda overcomed it . With one thing , music . Hehe . =] Being with him this 1 and a half month made alot of changes in my life . Hehe . My parents know about it . They didnt say much about it . I guess they are ok about it =] . Hehe .
Today is Hari Kokurikulum in my school . It was actually on 13th of August but it was postponed due to the haze condition on Thursday (11/8) . Hehe . So , I was in the ushering thing . We were at the carpark at 7.30 . Waited until 8.30 for the fellow VIP's to walk walk . And then we proceeded to the pavillion to watch the performances by Scouts , Taekwondo , Karate-Do and Cheerleading from Hebat , Berjaya , Unggul , Mini-mitez, Dynamitez . Hehe . It was ok . Was there just to pass time coz I didn't want to go to class . After that , I was hanging around the badminton court and prefects room . About 9 something , Pn Mary Ann asked for help . Yeah , so i agreed to help . So i was at the dewan till everything ended . During the F4/F5 recess , went to drag him to skip class with me . Go dewan la . Hehe . =] . After everything ended , i went to Bilik Masakan to help teacher . At first , Wykit n him also wanted to help . But teacher said it was enough people ade. So , me and Swee Ing hanged around there till 12.30 . Ken Ee and Wykit came to help us eat too . But Swee Ing and Wykit didnt eat coz they had to go back . So me and Ken Ee ate . Lol . As usual , he ate until he was full . Hehe . Then , we cleaned up the place and hanged around school till 2.30 . Went home , had my lunch and had ice cream . *yummy* hehe . Den , i chilled in my room .. smsing him while folding stars and reading Seventeen Magazine . I was bored la . hehe. Then , i slept for awhile coz i was kinda tired . When i woke up , my bro n dad went out to go grocery shopping . I didnt want to go coz i was lazy . Hey , a chance to be alone at home ? why not ? hehe . =] . Was sms-ing him the whole time while he was at tuition lo . Hehe . Until now , i'm bored . :(
Sunday, August 14, 2005
A survery i stole from Foo Chee Mun in fwenster :P
What time is it now?: 8.09pm
Outfit: Shorts and a white shirt
Hairstyle: Pony tail
Jewelry: None -.-
nail color: normal ?
Do you:
cut yourself: nope
lick yourself: nope
whine a lot: sometimes yes .. sometimes no .. depends who ;)
hate a lot of people: nope
have too many friends: nah .. still want more ;)
being a lil overboard: at times i do .. but not now
want to die: nope . why?
have a bf/gf: err .. *smiles*
wear dark colors: yes
dye your hair: nope
have a crush?: er .. used to .. now no
do they know?: yeah ?
do they like you?: er .. i dunno?
what is his/her name?: guess urself lah.
are they straight/bi/gay?: a Bi ! no lah .. straight straight .. :)
kissed someone:er .. yeah
worn rainbow: no
talked on the phone for over 3 hours: Yeap ! with Foo Chee Mun !! on .. 24/june/2005
left the country: er .. yeap!
asked someone out: nope :(
had a dream, then the next day ithappens: nope .
Last person:
you touched: my bro ? i dunno
you talked to: my lil bro ?
you hugged: Ken Ee
you kissed: Same as the above
you instant messaged: Chee Mun
who broke your heart: Someone which i would not want to say . its the past ;)
Are you:
understanding: maybe ..
arrogant: maybe ..
hungry: Like duhh ~
smart: Nope . :)
childish: Of Coz!! im like a small gurl >.<>.<
color(s)?: Pink Blue , black , purple .
soda?: groovy grape
stores in the mall?: er . i seldom shop nowadays ..
roller coaster?: Flying coaster , corkscrew?
candy? : Er .. Lolipops?
cd?: dunno~
Lullabys: DUNNO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nursery rhymes: mary had a little lamb
cookies?: famous amos ;)
juice?: Apple n Aloe Vera . White grape juice n Aloe Vera.
holiday?: Austrailia .. Venice ? ;)
month?: June , September , August , July :)
In the last 48 hours:
cried?: yes
missed someone?: obviously yes!
yelled at someone?: yea...
drove somewhere?: still young
talked to someone on the phone: nope
been online?: Yea...]
smiled?: yeah
kissed someone?: Nope .. if last 72 hours .. maybe lah ;)
hugged someone?: nope :(
last thing you ate?: er .. Rice , Chicken , Soup
last questions:
what is sitting next to you?: no one
are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight?: straight
been in a plane?: yup
killed someone?: NO WAY
kicked your cat for the hell of it? : i dun own a cat ;)
who's your best friend: Melisa , Swee Ing
are you bored of taking this survey?: kinda
wondering when this would pop up. : Huh?
what time is it: 8.24pm
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Genting .
Haha . I went to school on Monday . Haha . I brought books for b4 recess coz after recess i was going home . Went for duty and fight with Joel . After duty , lazily walk back to class . Mod math teacher din come . *yay!* . Was sleepy during Add Maths . Wanted to run out of class during Chemistry . Recess - skipped duty , suppose to go duty but then had to take pic for EYE . but i din . My dad came a lil early . with my bro . Haha . and took Alvin home also . Went home . bath n chill . About 1 went to Ken Ee's hse . lol . coz had to pick up some people up to genting . Lolx. We reached the cable car station bout 2 something . Haha . Sat the cable car up to the top . Reach there . all of us walked around to find the Arena of Stars .. haha . But ended up meeting sir at First World . Haha >.<" . Then , all of em checked in to their rooms . while i followed Ken Ee's mum .. coz my dad said i have to follow her ? haha . yeah . then they had training session in the arena . about one hour plus . About 7 something , eat dinner . went back to Ken Ee's mum's hotel room with the maid . Later he came over , chilled for awhile . Almost fell asleep . My parents came about 11 =.= haha . Yeah , slept in Kayangan Apartments . Was kinda dirty from the outside . but the apartment is HUGE !! haha . =) slept at 12 .
Woke up at 7 a. I dunno la . Something liddat . Woke up . Received sms from him . Replied back . Duhh . haha . Den ate breakfast and walked to the arena of stars . Hehe . The first day they had Poomsae competition and Open Catergory for Sparring . Lol . Was with him the whole day . haha . was fun . LoL . bout 3 , they had opening ceremony and stuff . Bleak . i wanted to sleep !! >.<" haha . Then when all the speeches finish , the players came back . and we saw dunno what tourism malaysia dance . Was kinda long and boring -.- haha :P . Then , we ate dinner after everything was done la . haha . :) when to first world , den walked back to theme park hotel . lol . got to spend time with him too ! *muax* haha . Slept early that night .
2nd day of ICTO . Today , my bro's gonna fight ! haha . But he lost . Again . Watched the comp . Cheered for em ! ahah . >.< had dinner at burger king.. Played arcade . Lol . but i din . i watched . Then , he walked me back to hotel . Spend a lil time with him then he left at the right time oso . Just b4 my mum came back . They bumped each other at the lobby or somewhere there . haha . watched full house and then slept . :)
Last day ! Darling gonna fight today ! ahha . Went there early . -.- ;; , Dragged juniors to carry stuff . We squeezed into the lift . 9 of us . One small lift . :P . Lol . Den went back . Cheered for the team . Haha . Cheered the whole day . All of us got sore throat ,. hhahaha . Had fun . :) eheh .
Had dinner with em . Then I decided to sleep with Sam in her room . Lol . Went first world . Went back b4 12 . We hang around the hotel corridors . and makin alot of noise . Imagine . police . haha . :P . We decided to hang at alvin dass's room . We din noe that there were 2 ppl sleeping . But . they slept like piggies . haha . We laughed and laughed like mad foools . Went back to our room about 3 liddat . Some went to walk around . But me , Ken Ee and Beng Han decided its to risky and we went back to sleep . haha .
Woke up at 6.30 . Sam n Kerry was still sleeping . Then , wake up call . haha . 2 of em were sleeping like piggies also . haha . Received sms from Ken Ee . Haha . Went out for brekkie about 7.30 . 4 of us - me , him , beng han n Victor . Lol . At finish bout 8 . Then we went to beng han's room . and slept till 9.30 liddat . Went down to our rooms to pack our stuff . Haha . We r going to the theme park today ! ahha . Yeah . Sam was sleeping again . Woke her up . but then she slept again . haha . Then , Ken Ee woke her up . Lol . and she summore havent pack her luggage . And it was going to be 10 . Haha . Gathered at the lobby bout 10 . Den , put our stuffs aside . and headed to the theme park . The group of us were :- Me, My lil bro , Ken Ee , Beng Han , Kerry , Hsu Hui and Teck Chai . Yeah . We wanted to buy tix . den , Ken had an extra all park tix . So I tried using Teck Chai's icto ID to get the ticket . and i got it . and it was kinda stupid of em . the pic is soo diffrent . hahaha . Yeah . So the first ride was corkscrew . Lol. was boring . =]. The we sat the spinner thing twice. By the time i came out , i was dizzy . haha . After that we sat tumbogan or something liddat . wasn't that thrilling . Lol . just chilling . Then , went to solero shots . it was so scary !! but not as bad as my first time sitting that ride la . hehe . Then , we ate lunch at Burger king again . Lol . met sir there . Then , played bumper cars . den euro express or motion master . one of em la . Then we went flying coaster . Ken Ee paid my tix again . ahha . . Was so scary !! . hehe . then i dunno where i go . lol . . hehe . then i dunno where i go . lol . then we sat ferris wheel . lol . Beng han , me and Ken Ee were freezing during the ride . haha ! was kinda fun . And ken was screaming at Woei Jiun . Apek !! but he din hear . Sam heard . haha . :P bla bla bla . so long . Skip to end . Reached first world at 4 i think . All of us were late .We were late but the earliest . haha XD . Went home bout 6 . Slept late . was smsing ken till i sleep -.- .
p/s: Tues , wed n thurs n friday : listen to all sort of dirty jokes . haha