B o o ! realised i didnt blog for so long .. and i have so much 2 blog about ! and so many pics to post but got no time ..
1st april - 3 april = PrS camP [was the bOmB!!]
9 of april - sunway college lawatan "sambil belajar"
10 of april - charity carnival ..
PrS cAmP
Well , It was one of the best camps i ever went .. hehe .. was so crazy with tysern , camera drama , stupid drama - cheer - song . Well . it was the camp that everyone knew everyone . Like a family . happy . open minded . no worries . miss the camp !!~
SuNwAy CoLlEgE
hehe .. i and tysern are officially picture poserz .. was so crazy .. take soooooo much!!~ more than my camp pics!! heeh .. i drew really stupid pic which made me knew a few ppl from SmK sri sentosa . Which are really cool ppl and guess what? they are PRS members too :) ahah .. We had yummy lunch .. We saw a boon han look alike (claimed by Pei Fang) and our ammbasador (however u spell it) were like SO COOL!! ahaha .. =] i had alot of F U N !! =]
ChARiTy CaRniVal
hehe .. we sold everything i guess .. everyone was cool , sharing , no fight but loved the team spirit . LoVe x'QuiSiTe. ViVa la x'Quisite ! ;)
Now the pics.. =]
- charity carnival

Me and Mughilen

Me and Nimalan

Me and Alvin

top : tak leong and jeffrey
bottom :james , me , pei fang , wern chia
1st april - 3 april = PrS camP [was the bOmB!!]
9 of april - sunway college lawatan "sambil belajar"
10 of april - charity carnival ..
PrS cAmP
Well , It was one of the best camps i ever went .. hehe .. was so crazy with tysern , camera drama , stupid drama - cheer - song . Well . it was the camp that everyone knew everyone . Like a family . happy . open minded . no worries . miss the camp !!~
SuNwAy CoLlEgE
hehe .. i and tysern are officially picture poserz .. was so crazy .. take soooooo much!!~ more than my camp pics!! heeh .. i drew really stupid pic which made me knew a few ppl from SmK sri sentosa . Which are really cool ppl and guess what? they are PRS members too :) ahah .. We had yummy lunch .. We saw a boon han look alike (claimed by Pei Fang) and our ammbasador (however u spell it) were like SO COOL!! ahaha .. =] i had alot of F U N !! =]
ChARiTy CaRniVal
hehe .. we sold everything i guess .. everyone was cool , sharing , no fight but loved the team spirit . LoVe x'QuiSiTe. ViVa la x'Quisite ! ;)
Now the pics.. =]
- charity carnival

Me and Mughilen

Me and Nimalan

Me and Alvin

top : tak leong and jeffrey
bottom :james , me , pei fang , wern chia
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